Concrete Contractors Executives of Pour Boy Construction Eric Lanser:
Owner, Eric Lanser Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : The official 2019 Municipal Election results can be found by clicking on this link: or by visiting the
SMC/Degroff Traffic Pattern Change
Effective immediately, the City and Borough of Sitka (CBS) Public Works Department, with the approval of the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF), has changed the manner in which westbound traffic on Sawmill Creek Road can access DeGroff Street. Vehicles entering DeGroff must now turn right beyond the gravel island as shown on the figure. This had been a one-way, exit-only lane for DeGroff traffic entering Sawmill Creek Road. Traffic may NOT cross the new “fog line” painted through the previous entrance to DeGroff Street, to the east of the gravel island. Traffic entering DeGroff Street will have the right-of-way relative to traffic on DeGroff. CBS will be removing the orange barriers and installing flexible delineators and new street signs to complete the reconfiguration.
Traffic exiting DeGroff must also use the route west of the gravel island. Click to view the map.
The new traffic pattern will mimic the proposed reconfiguration of the intersection by ADOT&PF, scheduled for 2021. ADOT&PF has proposed to convert the “island” to a “peninsula, ” which will reduce the speed of westbound SMC traffic entering DeGroff, a busy residential street.
Please call Public Works at 747-1804 with any questions.
Sitka Police Station Study
The Sitka Police Station Planning Study, completed August 2019, is an initial planning and programming study that takes a preliminary look at the spatial needs for a new police station and jail, based on the Sitka Police Station’s existing operations and the standard sizes of the spaces required to perform those operational activities. The study is intended to provide a comprehensive go-to document that captures the efforts, investigations and known project information to-date. Design of the facility will be implemented at a future time where its final size and amenities will be determined along with its location, based on future funding and the other ‘next steps’ listed in the attached study: SEARHC Sitka Community Health Council Membership 08/30/2019
The City and Borough of Sitka is seeking individuals interested in serving on the SEARHC Sitka Community Health Council in the category of At-Large. The Council’s purposes are: 1) to advise SEARHC on the needs regarding the health and welfare of the people of Sitka, and, 2) to advise SEARHC regarding the operations of SEARHC’s clinic(s) and its hospital located in Sitka. Interested individuals are encouraged to submit a letter of interest no later than Tuesday, October 1 to Municipal Clerk Sara Peterson at 100 Lincoln Street (3rd floor) or by email to. Letters of interest will be considered by the City and Borough of Sitka Assembly for appointment at the October 8 regular meeting. For more information, or to obtain a copy of the Sitka Community Health Council Charter, contact Sara Peterson at 747-1811 or.
FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Update, 2010/2019 Map Comparison
The Public Works Department has created an interactive map that exhibits changes from the currently adopted 2010 FIRM when compared to the updated 2019 FIRM, click to go to the Public Works page to view interactive map.
Utility Cost Subsidization Program Opportunity
The City and Borough of Sitka will accept applications for the 2020 Utility Cost Subsidization Program beginning August 1st through October 31st. Applicants meeting certain criteria may be eligible for a subsidization of their municipal utility costs. The subsidization period shall be for one year, beginning January, 2020. An appointment with the Finance Department may be required. Please click to access an online application and instructions, or you can pick up an application at the Utility Office on the 1st floor of City Hall at 100 Lincoln Street. For more information, contact the Finance Department at 747-1859. Current CBS/SEARHC Affiliation Documents
Following are the most up to date Asset Purchase Agreement and Summary of Changes regarding the CBS and SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium hospital affiliation and the Sitka Community Hospital 2017 and 2019 Termination Study for PERS.
Sitka Community Hospital Purchase and Lease Agreements
Below please find the Sitka Community Hospital Asset Purchase Agreement and Lease Agreement between Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium and the City and Borough of Sitka. Also included is the consultant Executive Summary. The negotiating team completed its process and these are the final documents for public review.
Citizen Web Request Form Online
The city is now introducing a web feature which citizens can use online to initiate commonly requested work items from city crews. Please to to the following link:
When you submit the request a ‘request number’ displays; you can check the status of that request by clicking on the “check request” button and entering the request number.
Volunteer positions are available with various Municipal Boards, Commissions, and Committees. Interested persons are asked to submit a letter of interest and board application to the Municipal Clerk's Office. To see the current vacancies please click on the following link:
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Pour Boy Construction Eric Lanser in Lynnville you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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